The Other Gallery
The Other Gallery
The Other Gallery
The Other Gallery
The Other Gallery
The Other Gallery
The Other Gallery
The Other Gallery
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The Collection
Cedric Adams (1956 - Pres) -1
Ron Adams (1934 - 2020) -1
Charles Alston (1907 - 1977) - 1
Kader Amkpa (1991 - Pres) - 1
Richard Avedon (1928 - 2004) - 1
Guillaume Azoulay (1949 - Pres) - 8
Herman "Kofi" Bailey (1931 - 1981) - 3
Laura Ball (1972 - Pres) - 1
Ernest "Ernie" Barnes (1938-2009) - 8
Amna Basheer (1992 - Pres) - 6
Garif Basirov (1944 - 2000) - 1
Howard Chesner Behrens (1933 - 2014) - 3
Hans Bellmer (1902 - 1975) - 1
Olivia de Berardinis (1948 - Pres.) - 1
Alexandria Bevilacqua (1986 – Pres.)
- 1
Shant O. Beudjekian (1971 - Pres) - 3
Charles Bibbs (1948 - Pres) - 4
John Biggers (1924 - 2001) - 7
Tarleton Blackwell (1956 - Pres.) - 1
Kaleeka Bond (1984 - Pres) - 3
Pierre Bonnard (1867 - 1947) - 1
Graciela Rodo Boulanger (1941 - Pres.) - 3
Jeanna Brown (1970 - Pres.) - 1
John R Brunsdon (1933 - 2014) - 1
Bernard Buffet (1928 - 1990) - 4
Margaret Burroughs (1915 - 2010) - 1
Nathaniel Bustion (1942 - 2019) - 1
Leroy Campbell (1956 - Pres) - 1
Alex Guofeng (A.G.) Cao (1969 - Pres)
- 1
Ron Caraway (1955 - Pres) - 4
Leonora Carrington (1917 - 2011) - 1
Bernie Casey (1939 - 2017)- 1
Marc Chagall (1887 - 1985) - 5
Alexander Charriol (1979 - Pres) - 1
Doug Chitiyo (c. 1945 - Pres) - 1
Estefany Choi (1987 - Pres.) - 1
Robert Colescott (1925 - 2009) - 1
Miguel Conde (1934 - Pres.) - 2
William "Bill" Crite (1945 - 2017) - 1
Salvador Dali (1904 - 1989) - 9
Aziz Diagne (1970 - Pres.) - 1
Thorton Dial (1928 - 2016) - 1
Phyllis Diller (1917 - 2012) - 1
Antonio Dojer (1970 - Pres) - 1
Blair Drawson (1943 - Pres.) - 13
Raoul Dufy (1877 - 1953) - 2
Jorge Dumas (1928 - 1985) - 1
Ashlee Dunlap (1984- Pres.) -1
Alfred Eisenstaedt (1898 - 1995) - 1
Jimmy Ernst (1920 - 1984) - 1
George Evans (1954 - Pres.) - 2
John Fairchild (1927 - 2015) - 2
Oyeleye Feranmi (2000 – Pres) - 1
Mario de Ferrante (1898 -1992) - 1
Leonor Fini (1908 - 1996) - 8
Veronica Garza Flores (1955 - Pres) - 1
Jose' Manuel Fors (1956 - Pres) - 1
Harold Frank (1921 - 1995) - 5
Frank Frazier (1950 - Pres) - 15
Olivier Arsene Ganthier ("OliGa") (1997 – Pres)
Kenneth Gatewood (1959 - Pres) - 10
Daniell Gelakoska (1947 - 2015) - 1
Germfree (1995 - Pres) - 1
Aaron Gilbert (1976 - Pres) - 2
Stefan Gommerman (1980 - Pres) - 1
Paul Goodnight (1946 - Pres) - 3
Henry Goods (1960 - Pres) - 8
Mark Steven Greenfield (1951 - Pres) - 1
Hendrik Grise (1918 – 1982) - 1
René Gruau (1909 – 2004) - 1
Chaz Guest (1961 - Pres) - 1
Irena Terese Dauksaite-Guobiene (1942 – Pres) - 1
Jonathan Harkham (1972 - Pres) - 1
Gaston Hoffman (1883 – 1960) - 3
Joseph Holston (1944 - Pres) - 4
Varnette P. Honeywood (1950 - 2010) - 5
Peregrine Honig (1976 - Pres) -1
Lanise Howard (1997 - Pres) - 4
Bernard Hoyes (1951 - Pres) - 1
Natalie Jacobs (1997 - Pres) - 1
Nile Jade (1945 - Pres) - 1
Susan St. James (1949 – Pres) - 2
Brenda Joysmith (1953 – Pres) - 4
Patrick Jungfleisch ("Reso") (1975 – Pres) - 1
Vita Kari (1994 - Pres) - 2
Paula Klaw (1920 – 1996) - 3
Mark Kostabi (1960 - Pres) - 1
Alexander Kroll (1981 - Pres.) - 1
Ralph Lacher (1942 - Pres) - 1
Howard Lamar (1950 – Pres) - 5
Artis Lane (1927 - Pres) - 2
Jacob Lawrence (1917 - 2000) - 2
Rico LeBrun (1900 - 1964) - 5
Adrien Lechaire (1900 -?) - 1
Annie Lee (1935 – 2014) - 2
Hugh Leeman (1968 - Pres) - 1
(Lladro Figurines) - 44
Alexander Liebermann (1871 - 1938) - 1
Lionel Lofton (1954 - Pres) - 8
Talita Long (1948 - Pres) - 4
Emmy Lu (1954 - Pres) - 1
Dan Lutz (1906 – 1978) - 1
Linda Lyke (1954 - Pres) - 1
Heidi Verna-Marie (c.1940 - Pres) - 1
Guy Maccoy (1904 – 1981) - 3
Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868 - 1928) - 1
Jaime Makinde (1959 – Pres.) - 1
Kazimir S. Malevich (1879 – 1935) - 1
Xavier Marcellus (1998 - Pres.) - 1
Gustavo Martinez (1992 – Pres.) - 1
Ralph Allen Massey (1938 - Pres) - 1
Henri Matisse (1869 - 1954) - 4
Pierre Henri Matisse (1928 - 2019) - 4
Rip Matteson (1920 - 2011) - 1
Cecilia Mayr (1955 - Pres) - 1
Leo Meiersdorff (1934-1994) - 1
Ed Meneely (1927 – 2012) - 1
Joan Miro (1893 - 1983) - 4
Tommy Mitchell (1983 - Pres.) - 1
Amedeo Modigliani (1884 – 1920) - 1
Victoria Montesinos (1944 – Pres.) - 1
Mario Moore (1987 - Pres) - 1
William Moorecroft (1872 - 1945) -1
Malcom Mosley (1990 – Pres.) - 2
Rie Munoz (1921 – 2015) - 1
William Nelson (1942 – Pres.) - 2
Okey Ofomata (1997 - Pres) - 4
Tomer Peretz (1982 - Pres) - 1
Karl Jean-Gerry Petion (1980 - Pres) - 1
Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973) - 5
Elliot Pinkney (1934 – 2019) - 2
Rose Piper (1917 - 2005) - 1
Camille Pissarro (1830 - 1903) - 1
Leo Posillico (1944 - Pres.) - 4
Jameel Rasheed (1944 – 2019) - 1
Fred Reichman (1925 - 2005) - 1
Pierre Auguste-Renoir (1841 -1919) - 2
Resounding Heart Portfolio - Portfolio - 7
Frank Romero (1941 - Pres) - 1
Jan de Ruth (1922 - 1991) - Portfolio - 6
Betye Saar (1926 – Pres.) - 1
Tak Salmastyan (1963 – Pres) - 1
Marco Sassone (1942 – Pres) - 1
Aldo Scabbia (1910 - 1996) - 1
David Schluss (1943 - Pres) - 1
John Scott (1940 - 2007) -1
Arvie Smith (1938 - Pres) - 1
G. Alejandra Smith (c. 1940 – Pres) - 1
Carlos Spivey (1958 – Pres) - 1
Sander Steins (1973 – Pres.) - 1
Adam Stone (1966 - Pres.) - 1
Renee Stout (1958 - Pres) -1
Norbert Stuger (1970 – Pres) - 2
Alvar Sunol (1935 – Pres) - 6
Hiroyuki Tajima (1911 – 1984) - 2
Moshe Tamir (1929 – 2004) - 1
Itzchak Tarkay (1935 – 2012) - 4
Mozelle Thompson (1926 - 1969) - 3
Osvald Timmas (19-3 -2005) - 1
William Tolliver (1951 - 2000) - 8
Emily Trovillion (1944 - Pres) - 1
Andrew Turner (1944 – 2001) - 2
Gaston Tyko (1918 - 1980) - 1
Unidentified Artists - 95
Ivan Valtchev (1944 – Pres.) - 1
James Vanderzee (1886 - 1983) - 1
Maurice de Vlaminck (1876 - 1958) - 1
Ruth G. Waddy (1909 - 2003) - 5
Fulton L. Washington ("Mr. Wash") (1954 - Pres) - 1
Lynton Wells (1940 - Pres) - 1
Whitsett (20th century American School) - 1
Ren Wicks (1911 - 1977) - 1
Jessica Wilcox (1995 – Pres) - 1
Kehinde Wiley (1977 - Pres) - 1
Paul Wunderlich (1927 - 2010) - 2
Gilbert Young (1941 – Pres.) - 3
Gevorgian "Yuri" Yuroz (1956 - Pre
s) - 1
Habib (H K) Zamani 1958 – Pres.) - 1
Gustavo Zermeño Jr. (1989 – Pres.) - 1
Total Artists:
Q Farlow
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